Monday, December 6, 2010

Yes....I have Sock Monkey Insanity!

Three new sock monkey friends enjoying a bit of Christmas Cheer given to me by my dear friends--Ann, Sheila, and Robin. This is not the beginning of my Sock Monkey Insanity but the beginning of my Sock Monkey Insanity "coming out".


  1. I've joined the fun ... so when you see AnnaBanana comments they'll be from me! I'm just bananas over you and your sock monkey insanity! Is this the beginning of another creative line of products ... well dressed sock monkeys? Also keep these in mind for your next children's book ... AFTER "Love Follows You Where Ever You Are" (butterfly theme for Hayden's book) and Thelony Beloney (maybe the sock monkeys could make their entrance for this second book that will be dedicated to Isaac)!

  2. Yes...why thank you....Please stay tuned in....we have some work to do!

  3. Now I'm addicted ... to "Sabo and his friends". I LOVE the coloring book. Now I'd suggest ... Birthday Cards with Sabo's portrait! "The Bananas" (my idea for a name for the fan club for Sabo and his friends) would buy these up like crazy. Our club for fans could be referred to as "The Banana Cabana". Yes, YOU continuing creating ... and we'll enjoy the process that could take you to BIG BUCKS (business note: don't forget to protect your products so no one else ... I won't mention any card companies by name ... end up copying your precious sock monkey friends and then turn them out as a line of cards)! Enjoy your "monkeying around" today!

  4. Anna are the best! You totally get it. Love "The Bananas" fan club!!!
